Two old men, Cian and Able are 'ending' their days in a 'home' where people go when nobody else wants them in their life and for many other reasons too. Cian and Able worked hard throughout their working life, provided and helped to raise families, as men can only do in their way, paid their taxes and prayed to their God, and now are paying to end their days in 'dollar-comfort' and spend most of their time going over in their minds the memories of a lifetime .. 'what-if-I-had-it-all-over- again' syndrome. The two in more ways than one depend on each other for consolation in the 'what-if' syndrome. The things they talked about were just not talked about to strangers or outside of their friends and their friendship grew deeper in that .. for each was telling forgotten secrets. Able, who was partly deaf in both ears, turned to Cian who was blind in both eyes but also 'blind' to many things in life and did not do a lot of 'heavy thinking' for himself and therefore was quite content to go with the majority for the sake of a 'quiet life'...
''Cian'' .. Able shouted ...
''Shit man .. no need to shout, you can 'see' I am right here beside you'' ...
''Yea .. sorry .. but I just had one of those thoughts that stab you like a knife from behind''...
''This should be good .. o.k. .. let's have it''...
answered Cian under his queasy breath and getting himself ready for some heavy-duty 'insight' that was sure to follow if Able didn't lose that 'thought'. Cian lit another non-filter which reminded him to get another pack regardless of what that young doctor said. Three packs a day and still going but always said throughout his life...
''It won't be the 'smokes' that will kill me but somebody back-stabbing me will do the trick well.''
Able, keeping in mind now to keep his voice down and looking around him quickly because he always had that 'fear' throughout his life that someone was 'listening in' .. the 'Cold War' time does that to a man, said,...
''Cian .. you know we have been best of friends now for the best part of our lives, from our time in that 'Commie-war' .. why, we are just like 'brothers' man .. in fact, you can say we are 'family' .. true or not'' ...
''O.K. .. cut the crap and get to the point''...
said Cian showing his short temper that at times could make Able feel the air around him turn chillier.
''Well, as I said .. it's just a 'thought' now mind you .. but I never really did ask you what you did in your early years for a job before that war.''
Cian .. uneasy with what he had just heard but giving it a long thought and blowing out rings of smoke that looked like 'halos' drifting up to heaven and up to meet that 'bouncer' Peter at the pearly gates took in a deep breath and choking on it decided to answer truthfully, might as well say it now than go to the grave with it, ...
''I was a well-paid mercenary,'' ...
''Well .. I'll be damned'' .. said Able...
''Who would have thought that ... a missionary .. who would have thought that .. a thumping-bible missionary ... well, I be ... never would have thought that ... a missionary.
Cian and Able sat well back into their easy chairs, stretching their legs out and looking back into their memories, each knowing that this is what 'friends' do .. tell stories ...
....... big tall stories.
CIAN and ABLE .. my spelling and pun are intended.