A Dog's Life
                              Written by DAF

                                                            Two dogs, one black, one white, and both loyal to the 'hand-that-feeds-them' are sitting on a bank of a paddie field as they have done every day in the hot sun, half dozing but alert to the sounds of their owners bent over planting rice and talking, some to themselves in 'that' complaining tone which the dogs are used to hearing and some praying, in the hope their karma is being paid-off. One of the workers slowly straightens himself up in a slow stretch and looking at the dogs says...
''It's a dog's life''.
The black dog hearing this being said so many times asked the white dog...
''What does he mean, it's a dog's life''.
The white dog scratching himself answers ...
''Our owners see only what they want to see and say only what they want to say in words that will suit their feelings, even though they have it all upside-down''.
''That's funny and not, ha,ha''... 
said the black dog,
''They have their backs bent over for most of the day, hands in mud and water all their lives, planting to survive just like their parents and them before them .. they are always up-side-down, day-in-day-out''.
The white dog stands up watching some movement in the water behind his owner's back and says...
''Yea and every dog has his day too and today will be 'our' day''.
Black and White now standing and alert watching the ripples in the water making their way towards the 'hand-that-feeds-them', barked ...
''SNAKE'' ... and ran at full speed towards the paddie field.



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